This web site is under construction, contributions made by Donald Perriguey and his son, Tim Perriguey. If you have any suggestions or legitimate links to add to this web site, be sure to call or write us. We'd love to receive more Perriguey family photos to add to our growing collection, any or all of which can be posted to this web site (we won't post them anywhere without the submitter's permission). We also appreciate stories and articles about Perrigueys. It's always interesting to hear about the achievements and anecdotes of relatives. Meanwhile, enjoy this never-ending project of a web site!
Don Perriguey, son of Richard Perriguey, was a telephone technology engineer until August of 2012, when he retired at the age of 73. He was 70 when this picture was taken. He and his son are doing what they can to build this web site into something fun and useful.